Friday, 3 December 2010

Tomorrow Tomorrow.....

Tears, nerves, butterflies, tears, geddit?

Lovely day. Snow stopped falling, everything looks like Narnia. Our venue which is Hogwarts-esque at the best of times is magical. And everyone can get here/has got here! PHEW!

I can't believe how emotional I have become in the last 24 hrs. Even a glimpse of something wedding related...a shoe, an order of service, parents having an organisational conversation.... most things will set me off. I wrote a speech. I can't detail it here yet - will dissolve again.

People I love today - my Bear (for hand holding, waking us up by laughing in his dream this morning (aces) and a card full of beautiful words for us), my sister (for antique candlesticks, being a general Santa's Helper and family Trivial Pursuits where I had a whoopee cushion as a buzzer!), my mum (for cooking all day for days to feed new family after the wedding) and the lady who painted my nails today (for being an ex-card dealer/roulette wheel spinner in a Mayfair casino - cooooooool job!).

Wish us well for tomorrow. Its a big step. I think we're ready.....1-2-3...jump!!!!



  1. Oh wishing you so, so well. It will be magical and snowy and wonderful. So very pleased to hear that everyone has made it (phew).
    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  2. Ooh so exciting! Congratulations!!
