AND - sod the new recipe, I have a wedding to plan! In my dream state my subconscious has clearly been fretting quite hard over the planning of this wedding, far more than my conscious mind (setting myself up for a fall somewhere along the way....) So this weekend I took some decisive action to deal with the wedding nightmares - however implausible the dream, there always seems to be an underlying message.
A small selection below
1. Nightmare: no one has sorted out cash to pay the musicians etc on the day and no one else volunteers to go to the cash point for me, so I have to drive to the nearest cash point to get it myself , in all my wedding finery. Moral? GET CASH = done.
2. Nightmare: all guests stranded (in Aberdeen? wedding in Bucks so a bit odd) as hubby to be didn't book coach to the venue. Moral? Nag h2b to book coach = done.
3. Nightmare: Realising on the morning that I hadn't bought any bridal shoes and the only ones available being one turquoise and one pink in a local shop (we drove to local shop with my BM's baby tied to the roof rack - what?). Moral? TAKE SHOES HOME TO MUM'S = done this weekend. Along with passports for honeymoon, wedding rings, order of service/menus and BM's dresses.
4. Nightmare: A chap called Kevin Sacre (Jake in Hollyoaks who I once had a teenage thing with) walking around my parent's house on the morning of the big day with a tool kit telling everyone that none of it mattered anyway as I wasn't going to live past the end of December. Moral? Erm, less cheese/wine/class A drugs before bed (kidding).
5. Nightmare: running around on the morning relalising that I hadn't sorted a table plan or place cards - but the frightening bit being that I kept telling myself it was a dream and pinching myself only to not wake up and therefore continue to think it was reality - an odd Inception-like situation. Moral? Write place cards = done, this weekend with help of my lovely sis. I say help, really it was her looking at my table plan/guests saying "if you could have your dream wedding who would you invite", me big fat glare, her "oh, of course this is your dream wedding".....thanks.
But all in all for, quick calc, 13 days to go I feel reasonably calm. Can anyone tell me, is that calm before the storm? I am finishing work on Weds lunchtime with wedding Saturday - is that enough time? Any pitfalls to watch out for? I am d-readful at taking advice/heeding warnings but will try!
My first commenter, was this enough "AND" for now?
*AND, Susan Sarandon has a tattoo that reads ANDAND around her arm meaning A New Dawn A New Day. When discussing what, if anything, to have inscribed in our wedding rings I suggested those letters. It was met with "that's a bit gay isn't it". So we didn't. But I still like it.
Hahahaha, that'll keep me happy for now. Thank you! With less than 13 days to go you sound pretty relaxed. I was super organised and didn't have much to do in the last week.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!